Monday, March 23, 2009

My Osolean Adventure Continues

Well, my weight has been stable for the last month, maybe down a pound or two, bur when you consider I have been stressed out and went on a visit to family and ate stuff like fried chicken, brownies and ice cream, I am happy. I need to measure my waist, but my clothes are looser. The big thing I checked was body fat. I have one of those fancy scales that measures it...I have lost a minimum of 7% body fat! Yipee! Now the reason I don't have a hard number is that I wouldn't look at that number when I weighed myself before, but I have a general idea from the few times I snuck a peek. So I am continuing to do the 2 scoops once a day and working out 3 times a week (except last week...too busy). No big diet changes, no crazy workouts!

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